ChangeMakers Coaching Guide
For Young Journalists K-12
For Young Journalists K-12
- Choose a feature from our NeighborHood tab above (people who we hope to meet / interview 2024!)
- Or view one of our features from the past (2018-2023) under the SisterHood or NeighborHood tabs
- Create a Google Doc and answer the questions below as you read or watch:
- Who is your ChangeMaker?
- What have they done to create change?
- When did they do this?
- Where did this take place?
- Why did they do this?
- How did they do this?
- Our mission is to "engage, enlighten and empower" @ school, @ home, @ work, @ play
- How were you "engaged" by the ChangeMaker who you read about?
- To be engaged means to be interested, captivated or fascinated
- What drew you into the story that you read?
- Do you share common goals or hobbies?
- Or maybe you have nothing in common and that intrigued you?
- How did this ChangeMaker "enlighten" you?
- To enlighten means to educate, inform or uplift
- What did you learn from your ChangeMaker?
- How might you apply what you learned to your life? (@ home @ school @ play?)
- How did this ChangeMaker "empower" you?
- To empower means to feel strong within, to allow or entrust
- Did your ChangeMaker boost your confidence to make change?
- Do you feel inspired to take action?
- How were you "engaged" by the ChangeMaker who you read about?
- STEP 3: SHARE YOUR REFLECTIONS (with permission from your school or caregivers).
- Email See Partner Tab for more info on safely connecting with us.
- Include your first name only, town and grade.
- Done! (for now…) we will email you any suggested edits before posting on our JamBoard(s)
- Discuss ChangeMakers @ school, @ home, @ work, @ play.
- Share a ChangeMaker with us and we'll add them to our community!
- Rewrite a ChangeMaker story, practicing your journalism skills (with coaching from us!)
- Interview a ChangeMaker, with coaching from us. Arranged through our school and corporate partners.
- Meet our ChangeMakers at future events. No cost to attend. Join our mailing list through our Partner tab.